The following services are available:
- Information services - this service is available in person, over the phone, by email or in writing. There are three public access computers which you can use to research autism spectrum disorders and service users who attend the ARC can use the computer to access the internet and / or do coursework. You can also make an appointment to see the Information and Education Officer if you wish to discuss particular information needs.
- One-to-one guidance - adults with autism spectrum disorders can get one-to-one information and support on some common everyday issues. Staff may not always be available, so it is always a good idea to make an appointment.
-Services for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) - as well as information and one-to-one guidance, adults on the spectrum can access training to help them understand their condition, receive advice to deal with one-off problems, be signposted towards other relevant sources of support, have the opportunity to meet other adults, and participate in social groups run by the ARC and / or partner organisations.
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17 Gullane St, Partick, Glasgow G11 6AH